8 cups whole milk (NOT ultra pasteurized)

Step 2: Turn crock-pot off, leave lid on. Leave alone for 3 hours.

Store your homemade yogurt in refrigerator and enjoy when cool!
Remember, this is plain yogurt, not sweetened. Add fruit and honey or a bit of sugar to sweeten to taste. It will be a bit thinner than store-bought yogurt, but you'll be so happy about all the money you're saving, you won't mind!
ETA: If you strain off the whey using cheesecloth, you'll have thick yogurt. Delicious!!
I didn't know you could make yogurt in the crockpot! I have always made mine in a bowl set in a warm place. This is great!
Thanks for sharing. Keep 'em comin'! I use my crockpot DAILY! You have to when you have a big family (we have 7!).
I'm so glad to have found your site. I'll be trying this recipe and several others from past posts. Thanks for sharing!
What if I use 1/2 cup full fat plain yogurt and 6 cups of milk ~ wouldn't that make it thicker? Or would that ruin the finished product? I can't wait to try this...
Mom, try that and see what happens! :) Sounds smart to me. Make sure and comment back to let us know if it worked as planned.
Can't wait to try this Ginger! I make yogurt all the time, and have incubated it in my crockpot before (but the actual yogurt was in a glass jar)....will have to give this a try.
Hey, I found a FANTASTIC new crockpotting blog that you might be interested in checking out....
I don't know if you have it around long enough to find out - but how long will the yogurt keep in the refer?
Sounds good, I'm going to try it after a grocery store run!
Silly me. Posted under my kids' account.
I would think it would last 2 weeks. Yogurt never lasts that long around here, so I'm just guessing. :)
Oh I am SOOO glad to find your blog!!! I have 5 kids and babysit 2 one yr olds full time. The Crockpot is my dinner saver. I use it all the time!!
You rock! I knew there had to be a way to do this, although I don't understand why those silly crockpot folks don't just add a yogurt setting to the options.
Oh wow! That looks delish!
Did your mom ever try the thicker yogurt recipe? If so, how did it turn out? I bought some plain yogurt to try this recipe this week.
Have you tried the crockpot chulupa recipe I posted?
Do you think this would work for soy milk or a coconut milk yogurt?
I can't imagine that it would, but have no idea.
To thicken your yogurt try powered milk. Straining (w cheesecloth) and/or adding powdered milk can achieve the thicker "greek yogurt" taste.
As to the question, "will this work with coconut, soy etc. milk?" I am sure the answer is "no" but not sure of why not, exactly. However, what a great question for the homeschooled to pursue (I would think!). I will get my partly homeschooled/partly state schooled daughter on this asap. Best regards
Can this recipe be doubled, Ginger?
I made this with a couple of changes. I used 1/2 cup yogurt rather than 1/4, and cultured it 24 hours longer than written. It was thick and much more like store yogurt. It didn't make anyone sick, either ;) !
I'll be making it regularly. Thanks!
To the person that was wondering about whether this recipe works for soy. I would say yes. I have been told by many people that you can do the exact same thing yogurt wise to soy milk. I have a milk allergy so I have researched this A LOT! I am in the process of trying this recipe with soy milk. I will post when I have finished the process. But in general you can replace regular milk for soy milk in any recipe and it tastes almost the same!
I'm also allergic to milk. I use raw milk and have no problems whatsoever. :)
Raw milk? I have never heard of that. Does it still contain the proteins Casine and Whey? Because that is what I am allergic to, not just the lactose? Also, the recipe with soy milk turned out! I was so happy! Next time though to make it thicker I will use less soy milk and more starter yogurt! But I am pleased!
Raw milk = milk from the cow (or goat) thas has not had all the nutrients destroyed thru homogenization or pasteurization. ;)
So at what point would I add pectin (and how much?) to thicken it and vanilla (and how much?) for flavor?
I don't thicken w/ pectin or flavor it w/ vanilla, so I have no idea. :D
Hi Ginger,
I make my yogurt this way as well, and to answer a couple questions:
Yes, you can double the recipe and it will still turn out great.
Yes, it will work with soy milk (not sure about other milks though).
Another option for thickening is to strain it in some cheesecloth (or a clean dish towel or even a thin pillowcase). I do this and LOVE the results. Depending on how long you let it strain, you can get a really beautiful, thick yogurt, something that you could use as a sour cream replacement, or even a cream cheese replacement if you let it drip out for quite a while. You can use the whey for other stuff, too. I even tried using whey to culture a batch of yogurt, and it worked, although I wasn't 100% happy with the results.
Nice to meet you admin,
hope you are doing well.
I am a big fan of your blog and read your blog in daily basis.
By the way, i have a blog it's all about yogurt, you can check my blog here
yogurt blog
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